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Table 4 An Example of the Search Strategy in MEDLINE

From: A mixed methods systematic literature review of barriers and facilitators to help-seeking among women with stigmatised pelvic health symptoms


MeSH (MM “Pelvic Organ Prolapse+”) OR (MM “Urinary Incontinence+”) OR (MM “Fecal Incontinence”) OR (MM “Vaginal Discharge+”) OR (MM “Menopause+”) OR (MM “Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological+”) OR (MM “Sexual Dysfunction, Psychological+”) OR (MM “Reproductive Tract Infections”) OR (MM “Pelvic Floor Disorders”) OR (MM “Pelvic Pain+”) OR (MM “Dyspareunia”) OR (MM “Condylomata Acuminata”) OR (MM “Herpes Genitalis”) OR (MM “Flatulence”) OR (MM “Constipation+”)


Keywords TI pelvic organ prolapse OR AB pelvic organ prolapse OR TI prolapse OR AB prolapse OR TI urinary incontinence OR AB urinary incontinence OR TI f#ecal incontinence OR AB f#ecal incontinence OR TI incontinen* OR AB incontinen* OR TI Menopause OR AB Menopause OR TI sexual dysfunction OR AB sexual dysfunction OR TI reproductive tract infection* OR AB reproductive tract infection* OR TI Pelvic floor disorder* OR AB Pelvic floor disorder* OR TI Abnormal uterine bleeding OR AB Abnormal uterine bleeding OR TI Pelvic pain OR AB Pelvic pain OR TI Dyspareunia OR AB Dyspareunia OR TI genital symptom* OR AB genital symptom* OR TI urogenital symptom* OR AB urogenital symptom* OR TI urogyn#ecolog* symptom* OR AB urogyn#ecolog* symptom* OR TI urinary symptom* OR AB urinary symptom* OR TI anal symptom* OR AB anal symptom* OR TI vulva* symptom* OR AB vulva* symptom* OR TI vagina* symptom* OR AB vagina* symptom* OR TI vagina* pressure OR AB vagina* pressure OR TI pressure N3 vagina* OR AB pressure N3 vagina* OR TI pressure N3 perine* OR AB pressure N3 perine* OR AB vagina* bulge OR TI perine* pain OR AB perine* pain OR AB perine* discomfort OR TI vagina* discharge OR AB vagina* discharge OR AB vaginal itch OR AB itch N3 vagina* OR AB itch N3 vulva* OR AB vaginal odo#r OR AB anal discharge OR TI genital wart* OR AB genital wart* OR TI genital herpes OR AB genital herpes OR TI genital sore* OR AB genital sore* OR TI genital ulcer* OR AB genital ulcer* OR TI genital blister* OR AB genital blister* OR TI flatulen* OR AB flatulen* OR TI constipat* OR AB constipat* OR TI genital infect* OR AB genital infect* OR TI vaginal infect* OR AB vaginal infect* OR AB vulva* infect* OR TI urin* infect* OR AB urin* infect*



MeSH (MM “Help-Seeking Behavior”) OR (MM “Information Seeking Behavior”) OR (MM “Health Services Accessibility+”) OR (MM “Women’s Health Services+”) OR

(MM “Patient Acceptance of Health Care”)


Keywords TI ((help-seeking OR help seeking) behavio#r*) OR AB ((help-seeking OR help seeking) behavio#r*) OR TI ((care-seeking OR care seeking) behavio#r*) OR AB ((care-seeking OR care seeking) behavio#r*) OR TI ((treatment-seeking OR treatment seeking) behavio#r*) OR AB ((treatment-seeking OR treatment seeking) behavio#r*) OR TI ((health seeking OR health-seeking) behavio#r*) OR AB ((health seeking OR health-seeking) behavio#r*) OR TI ((help-seeking OR help seeking) intention*) OR AB ((help-seeking OR help seeking) intention*) OR AB ((care-seeking OR care seeking) intention*) OR TI ((information-seeking OR information seeking) behavio#r*) OR AB ((information-seeking OR information seeking) behavio#r*) OR TI ((information-seeking OR information seeking) intention*) OR AB ((information-seeking OR information seeking) intention*) OR TI ((knowledge-seeking OR knowledge seeking) behavio#r*) OR AB ((knowledge-seeking OR knowledge seeking) behavio#r*) OR TI ((knowledge-seeking OR knowledge seeking) intention*) OR AB ((knowledge-seeking OR knowledge seeking) intention*) OR TI (perception of (help seeking OR help-seeking)) OR AB (perception of (help seeking OR help-seeking)) OR TI (perception of (care seeking OR care-seeking)) OR AB (perception of (care seeking OR care-seeking)) OR TI (perception of (treatment seeking OR treatment-seeking)) OR AB (perception of (treatment seeking OR treatment-seeking)) OR AB (perception of (information seeking OR information-seeking)) OR TI seek* consultation OR AB seek* consultation OR TI ((health service* OR healthcare OR health care) access*) OR AB ((health service* OR healthcare OR health care) access*) OR TI Women* Health Service* OR AB Women* Health Service*