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Table 1 Examples of the standard and enhanced texts

From: The impact of text message reminders on cryotherapy uptake among women testing positive for HPV in western Kenya: a prospective cohort study

Standard text

Enhanced text

Post-screening text


Post-screening text

Thank you for screening, you will receive results soon! Remember, HPV causes cervical cancer, but HPV doesn’t mean you have cancer. Free treatment is available.


HPV−/HIV+ client

Hallo (recipient name). Thank you for taking cervical cancer screen test! Your result was Negative! Visit your nearest clinic after 1 year (2019) for another test. Please call or flash (Study Phone) if you have questions.

HPV−/HIV- client

Hallo (recipient name). Thank you for taking cervical cancer screen test! Your result was Negative! Visit your nearest clinic after five years (2023) for another test. Please call or flash (Study Phone) if you have questions.

HPV+ client

Hallo (recipient name). Thank you for taking cervical cancer screen test! Your results showed that you have HPV. Please come to (facility) to talk about treatment options. Treatment will be available until (Date). Call or flash (Study Phone) if you have questions.

Indeterminate HPV test

Hallo (recipient name). Thank you for taking cervical cancer screen test! Sorry we were not able to evaluate your sample. We would like to collect another sample from you. Please call or flash (Study Phone) to discuss plan for repeat testing.

Treatment (same as previous)

HPV−/HIV+ client

Hallo (recipient name). Thank you for taking cervical cancer screen test! Your result was Negative! Visit your nearest clinic after 1 year (2019) for another test. Please call or flash (Study Phone) if you have questions.

HPV−/HIV- client

Hallo (recipient name). Thank you for taking cervical cancer screen test! Your result was Negative! Visit your nearest clinic after five years (2023) for another test. Please call or flash (Study Phone) if you have questions.

HPV+ client

Hallo (recipient name). Thank you for taking cervical cancer screen test! Your results showed that you have HPV. Please come to (facility) to talk about treatment options. Treatment will be available until (Date). Call or flash (Study Phone) if you have questions.

Indeterminate HPV test

Hallo (recipient name). Thank you for taking cervical cancer screen test! Sorry we were not able to evaluate your sample. We would like to collect another sample from you. Please call or flash (Study Phone) to discuss plan for repeat testing.

Follow-up text


Treatment Reminders

Your treatment for HPV will be on XXX at (facility). Come between XX and XX. We encourage you to bring your partner or relative. (Study Phone) for questions.

Post-treatment text


Post-treatment text (One day after treatment)

The treatment you had is important to your health. To allow healing and prevent re-infection, please avoid intercourse for 6 weeks. (Study Phone) for questions.