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Table 4 Health behaviors and cardiometabolic health outcomes (path B)

From: Childhood adversity and women’s cardiometabolic health in adulthood: associations with health behaviors, psychological distress, mood symptoms, and personality


Sleep quality

Smoking status

External eating score

Restrained eating score

Emotional eating score



−0.101 (0.192)

0.516 (0.701)

− 0.030 (0.061)

− 0.074 (0.057)

− 0.009 (0.044)

 Waist circumference (cm)

− 0.236 (0.418)

0.962 (1.538)

− 0.092 (0.134)

− 0.189 (0.125)

− 0.064 (0.096)

Blood pressure

 SBP (mmHg)

0.465 (0.473)

−1.701 (1.851)

−0.086 (0.166)

−0.052 (0.156)

− 0.084 (0.119)

 DBP (mmHg)

0.140 (0.318)

−1.179 (1.184)

−0.049 (0.112)

−0.082 (0.105)

− 0.066 (0.080)

Composite outcome

 Metabolic syndrome

OR = 1.116

OR = 0.836

OR = 1.002

OR = 0.973

OR = 1.002

  1. Results are presented as regression coefficient(standard error(SE)) or odds ratio (OR)
  2. BMI body mass index, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure