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Table 1 Patients’ sociodemographic and disease-related characteristics

From: Using the Health Belief Model to explore why women decide for or against the removal of their ovaries to reduce their risk of developing cancer


Patients (n = 18)

Age in years, mean (SD, range)

57 (15, 59)


17% (3)


39% (7)

 60 or older

44% (8)

Menopausal status at the time of decision making

 Pre menopause

33% (6)

 Currently undergoing menopause

6% (1)

 Post menopause

61% (11)

Previous cancer diagnosis


61% (11)


39% (7)

Marital status


44% (8)

 De factoa

17% (3)

 Divorced or separated

11% (2)


28% (5)

Highest level of education

 Secondary school

50% (9)


28% (5)


22% (4)

Gene mutations


0 (0)


28% (5)

 Other (e.g. Lynch Syndrome)

5.6% (1)


67% (12)



61% (11)


39% (7)

  1. aAccording to the Australian Department for Home Affairs a de facto partner relationship exists if all of the following applies: i) the partners are not legally married to each other; ii) they are committed to a shared life to the exclusion of all others; iii) their relationship is genuine and continuing; iv) they live together or do not live separately and apart on a permanent basis; v) they are not related by family [68]