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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of women sex workers in Vancouver, Canada, 2010–2013 (n=692), stratified by mental health diagnoses

From: Burden and correlates of mental health diagnoses among sex workers in an urban setting


Total (n=692)

n (%)

Yes MH (n=338)

n (%)

No MH (n=354)

n (%)


Individual Biological and Behavioural Factors

 Age (median, IQR)

34 (28 – 42)

34 (28 – 42)

35 (28 – 41)


 Indigenous ancestry

251 (36.3)

152 (45.0)

99 (28.0)


 Sexual/gender minoritya

177 (25.6)

128 (37.9)

49 (13.8)


 Injection drug useb

277 (40.0)

173 (51.2)

104 (29.4)


 Non-injection drug useb

480 (69.4)

288 (85.2)

192 (54.2)


 High school attainment or greater

361 (52.2)

155 (45.9)

206 (58.2)


 HIV positive

78 (11.3)

41 (12.1)

37 (10.5)


 STI positive

77 (11.1)

37 (11.0)

40 (11.3)


Partner/Interpersonal Risks

 Injection use by partnerb

69 (10.0)

49 (14.5)

20 (5.7)


 Non-injection use by partnerb

242 (35.0)

143 (42.3)

99 (28.0)


 Inconsistent condom use by clientsb

124 (17.9)

86 (25.4)

38 (10.7)


 Having sex while highb

425 (61.4)

257 (76.0)

168 (47.5)


 Exchanging sex for drugsb

208 (30.1)

130 (38.5)

78 (22.0)


 Physical/sexual violence by intimate partnerb

147 (21.2)

90 (26.6)

57 (16.1)


 Physical/sexual violence by clientsb

162 (23.4)

109 (32.3)

53 (15.0)


Structural Determinants

 Recent homelessnessb

213 (30.8)

128 (37.9)

85 (24.0)


 Childhood traumac

493 (71.2)

294 (87.0)

199 (56.2)


 Police harassmentb

277 (40.0)

159 (47.0)

118 (33.3)


 Primary place of serviceb

  Formal indoor establishment/brothel

207 (29.9)

48 (14.2)

159 (44.9)


  Outdoor/public space

307 (44.4)

180 (53.3)

127 (35.9)


  Informal indoor establishment

178 (25.7)

110 (32.5)

68 (19.2)


  1. aDefined as ‘yes’ to any of ‘gay’, ‘lesbian’, ‘bisexual’, ‘transgender’, ‘transsexual’, ‘two-spirited’, ‘other’
  2. bIn the last six months
  3. cPhysical or sexual assault before age 18
  4. MH – mental health; p-value reported for bivariate correlation between MH yes and variable, p<0.05 for inclusion in multivariate model